International Ranger Federation: The IRF The was founded on 31 July 1992 in Peak National Park in the UK. The IRF provides a global forum for rangers from around the world to share their successes and failures in protecting the world’s natural heritage and to promote the exchange of information and technology from countries in which protected area management enjoys broad public and government support, to countries in which it is less supported. 165 ranger associations from national, state and territorial entities have affiliated with the IRF
URSA: URSA is a coalition of conservation organisations supporting and promoting the International Ranger Federation to build a network of well-supported, professional, and capable rangers, who can act effectively as custodians of the natural world. We help them advocate for the creation of inclusive and effective teams at the forefront of protecting nature, people, and the planet. Our time-bound support prioritises recognition, resources and representation for rangers around the world.
PAMS: With a conservation landscape in Tanzania, PAMS hope to facilitate the country to become a place where natural resources are understood and best practice management is adopted by all to conserve natural resources in an ethical manner.
Nature’s Frontline: a non-profit organisation led by a group of volunteers passionate about conservation communication. They are involved in delivering training and undertaking projects that support ranger protection of wildlife.
Karen Wildlife Conservation Initiative: multi-organisation group established in 2012 with the objective of conserving biodiversity and ensuring the protection of threatened wildlife in Karen State.
Wildlife 1 Conservancy: Asia-based organisation that monitors and reports conservation issues and works with government and non-government organisations to manage and implement conservation initiatives.
Protected Area Workers Associations NSW (PAWA): non-profit, apolitical professional association for all those who are working in and for protected areas in NSW, the ACT and Parks Australia. PAWA covers all classes of protected areas whether private or public land or land held in trust and brings a wealth of knowledge to the partnership.